MSBC Seminar/Workshop: The Process of Selling

Open to public
5:30 to 7:30PM EDT - 2014

Selling is one of the most important functions in operating and growing a successful business.

The actual process of selling is simple but is often ignored by business owners.  Every day we hear of a new technique to help us sell better. Things can get confusing. Don’t be distracted by fads. Keep things simple.

Develop a process, follow it and watch your sales increase. Make your sales process your own and enjoy the rewards that it will bring to your business.

In this workshop we will explore critical elements of successful sales processes. We will help you develop a process that you can customize to your business and make it your own.

Join us in the discovery of how to keep things simple, impactful and successful.

Guest Speaker: Brian Brennan

  • Brian is regarded as an expert solving a wide spectrum of business problems including the development and execution of successful sales programs focused on sales growth and profitability.  His has extensive experience in senior business leadership positions including sales leadership and has assisted many teams and individuals to develop their skills to be as effective as they can be.  He is regarded as an expert coach and team developer.  Brian is currently the co-host of “Business Fix” which is shown regularly on RogersTV.


Pay to attend two MSBC small business meetings/seminars and the third of equal value is free!

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