Markham Business Directory and Data Points
2024 Markham Business Directory
The Markham Business Directory is a subset of company listings based on the York Region Employment Survey. The York Region Employment Survey is a door-to-door survey that is conducted every two years between the months of May and August. In 2024, 9,899 business locations were identified in Markham. The directory is available for download, or users can look for specific companies through the spatial tool below.

Economic Profile
See how technology and talent intersect in Markham! Our economic profile provides an overview of what makes Markham the best place to start, grow, or expand your business.

Economic & Demographic Data
We have made it easy for you to do your market research on Markham. Our team has sourced and analyzed various data points, which will help you make an informed decision on locating and growing your business in Markham. If you are still looking for additional information, please reach out to our team through the contact form below with any questions.

Small Business Data
Looking for some data for your small business? Find the information you need to target the right audience in Markham and take your business to the next level.

Local Business Area Profiles
Learn more about Markham's local business areas! Find out who's shopping where, what they're spending, and get ideas on how you can get involved.

Get in touch
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
(excluding statutory holidays)