MSBC Seminar: Utilizing DiSC Behavioural Styles to Influence Sales

Open to public
5:30 to 7:30PM EDT - 2015

Effectively influence customers' buying decisions.  Unlock the link between DiSC behavioural Styles and sales.

This workshop will enable participants to identify their natural selling style and customer buying styles. An introduction to the DiSC behavior styles and a post workshop assessment will enhance participants' self awareness. As a result of the discovery and the application of the learning points, participants will develop personal effectiveness in dealing with customers and improve sales results.

The workshop will be facilitated by OTi Canada's Partner, Michael Lim who is a DiSC Certified Trainer. As an added value - after the workshop, participants are encouraged to complete a thorough DiSC behavioral assessment for themselves and will receive a comprehensive personal profile of their selling style including suggestions for adapting to customers' buying styles (a $95 value offered at no additional cost). In addition, an optional 30 minute personalized coaching/walk-through of the results of the profile will be available to any interested participants (also being offered at no additional cost by the guest speaker).

Pay to attend two MSBC small business meetings/seminars and the third of equal value is free!

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