Webinar Series: NEBS-NETSUS and Do’s and Don'ts

Sep 05, 2023

The three-hour NEBS (New Exporters to the Border States) and NETSUS (New Exporters of Technologies and Services to the U.S.) webinars are a practical, hands-on introduction to the basics of exporting to the United States. Presentations from industry experts will provide Ontario manufacturers and service firms with up-to-date information on topics such as:

  • U.S. immigration and business visa requirements.
  • Federal and state tax liability issues.
  • Corporate and legal considerations; and U.S. Customs clearance documentation requirements.


  • Overview of Provincial and Federal Programs and Services
  • Customs Brokers and New CUSMA Regulations
  • Cross border Taxation
  • Immigration Considerations
  • Panel Q & A

To learn more about these three webinars, or to sign up directly for one or all three, click on the following links.

The deadline for registrations is September 11th, September 18th, and September 25th.