Tech and DeepTech: How to use them to accelerate your business

Nov 01, 2023 9AM - 12PM

Most businesses do not make the critical distinction between Tech and DeepTech. Unfortunately, this mistake will very likely limit their future growth potential and strategic position in Canadian and global markets. Discover how John Kourtoff, CEO & CTO of Purus Power is applying DeepTech innovation and driving full force into the future.

This conference has been designed for business owners and product development and manufacturing leaders. Our experts will provide an overview of Tech and DeepTech, and how your organization can determine which direction will provide the quickest results to your intended goal.

  • How these very different concepts should be considered.
  • How should the creative process for each concept be initiated.
  • How Simulation Driven Design can be harnessed in new product development process.
  • New product industrialization including manufacturing layouts and operational efficiencies.
  • How rigorous financial models help smartly accelerate growth.
  • How financing from a variety of sources can accelerate success.