Creative Genius Academy Is Inspiring Young Artists

Oct 09, 2024

Sylvia Chan is helping the next generation of artists hone their talents at the Creative Genius Academy. The academy offers traditional and digital arts classes and workshops for children, teens, and adults at its two studio locations in Markham and online courses. 

The business is a natural fit for Chan, a lifelong Markham resident and artist. Chan attended the arts program at Unionville High School and then over to London, England to study abroad for art and design. She then earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, and Drawing at Concordia University. Chan then went on to earn her teaching degree from the University of Toronto. 

“After graduation, I started teaching art at a private school, where parents would ask me if I taught any after-school programs. I started with three kids when they were three to four years old—and I just saw them last week. Two of them are graduating high school, and one is going into grade 12! I have a long-term relationship with my students,” Chan says. 

Word of Chan’s teaching quickly spread around the community. Eventually, Chan was teaching a roster of 35 students altogether out of her parents' basement. 

“It got to a point where my mom said, ‘Hey Sylvia, there's a lot of shoes here.’ All I knew back then was art and teaching, I didn't really think much about the business side of it. Thankfully one of my best friends, Melody, studied business and suggested that I open an art school.” 

Chan rented a space near Unionville High School and hired her first employee in 2018. The school doubled its enrollment in the first year, which proved to Chan that the business could be viable. She received a Starter Company business grant and mentorship assistance from the Markham Small Business Centre, which she credits with helping create a strong foundation for the business. 

“There was so much to learn that first year, from making my own website and marketing to lesson planning to everything else required for a business. The mentors were so helpful in learning the fundamentals of business. It was a great kickstart for my business. I highly recommend it still to all my friends,” she says. 

Today, Creative Genius Academy is looking to expand beyond the walls of its physical studios. Chan has been approached to bring the academy’s training into private schools and community centres. 

“We’ve run a few workshops in Mississauga, and the City of Vaughan has contacted us about potentially having our programs there, too. There are a lot of amazing opportunities coming up where we're not just offering art within the walls of these studios but across the GTA,” Chan says. 

As the business continues to grow, Chan says she is focused on continuing to do what they do best—create dynamic and exciting lessons that inspire the artistic talent inherent in all children. 

“I feel like my mission is to make sure that no child is left behind, especially with their creative talents. We love it when students come in and want to explore. We want to make sure that we give them the best possible outlet for their creative expression to expand their artistic skills and knowledge.” 

Visit to learn more about their classes and locations.